I knew this would happen!

I have started working again, and I have three incomplete blog posts in the works. Yet again, I’m letting work dominate, and this blog is suffering. Is work the only problem, or are there other issues?

Work definitely takes a lot of my thinking energy and eye-power. I can only juggle so many technical ideas in a day. I can only look at computer screens for so long before I need a break. The idea of using the computer after work is not always appealing. I mix it up between the laptop on my knee and docked at my desk, but my eyes and hands still get fatigued.

I also have a new problem. I’ve been introduced to Minecraft. I love it, with near-infinite building blocks and no mandate to put them away after playing (sorry, Lego). It can be addicting. So, Sunday blogging has been replaced with Sunday Crafting.

Typical photo that I would decorate my cubicle with.

There is another problem. I like new things. Don’t we all. Jumping into a project, you give it your all. As long as you get positive feedback – seeing things come to life, learning cool stuff, getting the odd word of praise – it carries on being fun. Sometimes, though, you go so far in a project and are not getting the highs you want or need. You slow down, or you start second-guessing yourself. Doubt and fear sneak in. I think that’s where I’ve been. The blog was fun. I have plenty to say, but am I saying what you want to hear in a way you want to hear?

This time of year, we are in our rainy season. Now, you’d think as a Brit who lived in Manchester for four years, I would be well adjusted to the wet. It’s part of the work-from-home environment, though. The days are short, and the skies are dark. In the office, my cube had no windows, just controlled lighting. When I had a cubicle, I could decorate it with my favorite pictures. Now, I have a window in my home office, and I can see how miserable it is outside. Sure, I have good lighting, with color temperature control, but somehow, the gloom still manages to sneak in around it.

For grins, look at these weather graphs:
The pink bars are the local monthly rain, and the blue bars are a random “reference” city (London and New York).

So, will I get back to blogging? Of course! Just don’t expect the frequency we’ve enjoyed over the last few months.

Photo Credit: Alex O’Donnell – “Day trip to Paris.” Amsterdam, Sep 2016.

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